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Tropical Greenhouses To Visit In Innsbruck

Most people think of Innsbruck as a city for adventure and outdoor recreation. Sitting in the heart of the Alps, it’s a mountain lover’s paradise. But that’s not all it has to offer. If you are a plant lover, and you enjoy visiting botanical gardens and greenhouses, then Innsbruck actually has more than one.

So whether you are simply looking for something to do on a bad weather day in Innsbruck, or you’re looking for something more relaxed to do, here are two wonderful greenhouses in Innsbruck that you can visit.

The Palm House in the Hofgarten

At the north end of the Hofgarten, the gardens opposite the Hofburg imperial palace and Congress, and behind the Landestheater, you’ll find the greenhouse or “Palmenhaus”. While these tropical greenhouses may be small compared to many of the ones you’ll find across Europe, it’s still a wonderful place to visit.

You’re transported from the alpine surroundings of Innsbruck into a tropical paradise.

Opening times: Monday – Friday from 8am -12pm & 12:30pm – 16:30pm
Price: €4 for adults, €3 for concessions

Official Website

The University Botanical Gardens

Just outside the center of the city, a short bus ride on bus A, you’ll find the Innsbruck University Botanical Gardens. The gardens themselves are free to enter, the same as the Hofgarten, but if you want to visit the small but lovely greenhouses, there’s a small entrance fee to pay.

The greenhouses of the botanical gardens are small, with two tropical glasshouses and one for cacti. But while they are small, they are still wonderful to see.

Opening times: Tuesday & Thursday 1:30 – 3:30pm
Price: €4

Official Website

Photos of The Palm House in the Hofgarten in Innsbruck

Photos of the Innsbruck University Botanical Garden Greenhouses

Categories: Europe, House Plants