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Think Pink: Creating a Barbie Wonderland with Pink Houseplants

Step into a world where the magic of the Barbie movie meets the elegance of pink houseplants. As the silver screen dazzles with Barbie’s allure, we’re inspired to bring that charm into our homes. Pink houseplants, with their soft blush to bold fuchsia shades, infuse living spaces with sophistication and playfulness.

Curate your own oasis of pink, whether you’re a seasoned plant lover or looking to get your first houseplants. Join me in celebrating the world of pink houseplants.

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Barbie-Approved Pink Plants & Planters

Philodendron Pink Princess

The Philodendron Pink Princess (sometimes just written as the PPP) is one of the most desired pink plants out there. And its striking pink variegation is why. It’s a pretty easy to care for plant too – give it well-draining soil and medium to bright-indirect light and it’ll be happy. Mine came from the Netherlands in the mail as a baby, and suffered badly from cold damage. It lost most of its leaves and almost all of the roots rotted, but it’s still hanging in there and is now starting to grow back nicely. The main issue it has is new leaves getting stuck, which is a sign of too low humidity. But other than that, it’s doing well despite the abuse it has had.

During the height of the pandemic, this plant was in high demand and selling for mid-triple figures. And while the plant wasn’t super rare to begin with (it was just not in particularly high demand so lots of sellers weren’t selling it), it’s huge rise in popularity in 2020 has led to it becoming sort after and now as a result, pretty easily available to the point that you can even find smaller plants in garden centres these days. The plants in the image below were just €5 each. Although if you’re looking for a larger plant, or one with higher amounts of pink variegation, then expect to pay mid to high triple figures.

Cost: From $5 for a baby plant with low variegation to a few hundred for a large, highly variegated version
Where to buy: Your local garden center, Etsy, The Sill

Shop PPP on Etsy
Baby Philodendron Pink Princesses in my local garden centre

Stromanthe Triostar

The Triostar (sometimes named Calathea Triostar) is one of my personal favourites on this list. Not only is it an absolutely stunning plant with its green, cream and light pink leaves that have bright pink backs, but it’s also pretty easy to care for considering it’s a prayer plant. Unlike many calatheas who hate tap water, this seems to be ok with it (at least where I live), and can tolerate less humidity (although it does prefer more humidity).

Price: $20+ (price depends on size)
Availability: Easily available on Amazon, Pottery Barn, The Sill and in many garden local centres

Bromeliad Antonio Pink

The “pink” in Bromeliad Antonio Pink describes the fuchsia bracts found in this cultivar, which sometimes produce short-blooming purple flowers. Its vibrant bract also gives it its nickname, the Pink Quill Plant. This plant is pet-friendly!

Calathea roseopicta “Rosy”, White Star & Pinstripe

There are a number of plants in the calathea family that have pink in the leaves, but the “pinkest” of all probably has to be the Calathea Roseoptica, commonly known as “Rosy”. Another two of my favorites that are a bit more subtle on the pink is the “white star” and the “pinstripe”, which has pinky tones in their pinstriped leaves.

Calathea aren’t generally expensive plants, and you can often find them in garden centres and box stores. But while beginner plant owners can often be drawn in by their beautiful foliage, calatheas often aren’t a particularly beginner friendly houseplant, due to being quite high maintenance. They like high humidity and to have their soil kept moist, BUT they don’t like it wet or they will get root rot. I’ve found them to be better in moderate indirect light – they hate bright direct light and can burn easily. They are also one of the hardest for pest control, as where many other houseplants are fine with neem oil as a preventative, I’ve found it to burn most calathea leaves. But I still love calatheas and I wouldn’t be without them in my collection.

Cost: From around $20
Where to buy: Garden centres, box stores, Amazon


Fittonia, also known as the Nerve Plant, Mosaic Plant or Net Plant, are small but striking plants that are very budget friendly and fairly easy to care for. They come in green but also a couple of very vivid pink varieties too. They like humid conditions and indirect sun, but can survive in slightly darker spaces (they just won’t grow much). In the wilds of Peru where they are native, they are ground-dwellers, so they can spread out but won’t really grow upwards. Don’t be alarmed if you come home one day to find your fittonia drooping over the side of the pot – when they are thirsty they can be quite the drama queens. Just give them a drink and they’ll perk right up again.

Price: $5-15
Where to buy: Most garden centres, Amazon

One of many pink Fittonia in my local garden centre – this one was only €6


Another houseplant with a number of pink varieties is syngonium. While some varieties are common and can be found in garden centres, others are more uncommon and slightly harder to find. But whichever version, most have pretty similar care needs. They all like medium to bright indirect light, but can do ok in lower light. They like well-draining soil (like most aroids) and humidity at 50% or above. Give them this and they will grow really well.

Cost: $10 upwards. Up to 3-figures for some rarer varieties.
Where to buy: Garden centers, Etsy

Common Pink Syngonium

Begonia brevirimosa

Begonias are a popular houseplant for their unusually shaped and patterned leaves, many of look like wings. The Begonia Brevirimosa originated from Neu Guinea, and has naturally occurring vivid pink variegation. This plant likes warm conditions and high humidity. It’s not rare, but fairly uncommon althought it is possible to find and is not too expensive. Some sellers warn that the plant doesn’t ship well though.

Price: $25-35 (average in 2022)
Where to buy: Shop on Etsy

Begonia Brevirimosa at the Munich Botanical Gardens


There are so many different varieties of Caladium (with super creative names), and there are loads that have pink in them. Some have pink veining while others have pink spots or almost completely pink leaves. Caladium can be bought and grown as bulbs or in summer as already grown plants.

Where to buy: Amazon, Garden centres

Categories: House Plants